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Update Mar '25 - HERE is the Eventbrite link to book your place with the venue.
N.B. The £10 entry fee is refundable at the diner.
Five Zeroes Supercar Barn is far more than it says on the tin, not that supercars aren't an attraction!
There is an excellent diner and, on these themed days, numerous other businesses and displays at hand.
You have a choice of morning or afternoon across either Saturday or Sunday (or both) to come along, have a chat and generally mooch about amongst Astons and supercars.
Aston Martin Bristol dealership will be the event's main sponsor and so you can anticipate some test drives, latest models and other features... tbc.
Five Zeroes also has beneficial arrangements with some local hotels which is ideal if you're coming from further afield and/or want to include this event in a tour. There's plenty to see and do in the area, and some good roads, so plenty for all to enjoy.
Please register here so that we have some idea of demand (and for which date).
We'll come back to everyone who's registered with further details nearer the time.
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