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Information about our use of cookies

A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that we store on your browser or the hard drive of your computer, provided you agree. Cookies contain information that is transferred to your computer's hard drive.

We use some non-tracking cookies that are essential for the operation of our website, such as to store the fact that you have logged in, items in shopping carts, etc.  These essential cookies can be disabled by activating the setting on your browser that allows you to refuse all or some cookies. However, this would render most of the site unusable for logged in users.

We  use Google Analytics cookies to track usage of our web site.  

Google Analytics is a service used by organisations to understand how their sites and apps are used so that they can make them work better. It does not track people nor profile people across the internet.

    • Google Analytics cannot be used to track people across the web or apps. It does not create user profiles.
    • Google Analytics helps owners of apps and websites understand how their users are engaging with their sites and apps (and only their site or app). For example, it can help them understand which sections of an online magazine have the most readers.  This is what helps them improve the experience for their customers by better understanding what’s working or not working.
    • This kind of information also includes, amongst other things, the type of device or browser used; how long, on average, visitors spend on their site or app; roughly where in the world their visitors are coming from. These data points are never used to identify the visitor or anyone else in Google Analytics.

All subscribers or forum users will have given permission for the use of such tracking cookies.

Cookies may be stored if you access external services such as YouTube, Facebook, etc. through our web site. These external sites have their own cookie policy.

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