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  • Autumn Classic Race Meeting at Castle Combe

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Autumn Classic Race Meeting at Castle Combe

  • 23 Sep 2023
  • Castle Combe Race Circuit


Starting Time :09:00
The Classic Race Meeting at Castle Combe is a well-established event with good entertainment and always a good turn out of classic cars on track and in the car park/paddock.

Trevor Fox has been in touch to promote this amongst Southwest Social users. He says:

"I have set up an informal group called the TTs. It is not a formal club. The idea was simply to have an area where we can park and have a picnic at the Autumn Classic, which is my favourite meet. Castle Combe encouraged us to do this."

So to book, here are the details which you are welcome to pass on to genuinely interested people:

You can now purchase club passes and reduced price track time for Autumn Classic. To do this they will need to select your club from the dropdown list in the club member zone, and input the following code when selecting items for purchase.

Your unique club booking code is: TTSAUTUMN23

The link to book club tickets is:

Please note that club passes and track time are sent out in the post roughly 3 weeks prior to the event. In the meantime please get in touch if you require any further assistance.

Trevor adds:

"Could I ask that anyone who books a ticket emails me with their phone number and I will add them to our WhatsApp Group for sharing information and answering questions."

All the best

Dr Trevor Fox (
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